Benign Prostatic Enlargement

BPH is found most common in most of the men, as they grow older. This condition is not considered as cancer, but the condition gets severe in the older age, after 75 years. Otherwise it is considered as a normal process as a part of aging.
There are certain myths about the progression of benign prostate cancer, about the possibility of the cancer. However, this is not true. This medical condition will not lead to the prostate cancer and it is also true that there will be no problem about becoming father as well as no problems related to the erection. There is also another myth that is contradicting to this myth. It is believed that regular ejaculation can prevent the possibility of the prostate enlargement. There are no scientific proofs to support these myths.
The major causes for the benign prostatic enlargement are aging, hormonal imbalance and also in the growth of the cells.
Signs and Symptoms
As the benign prostatic enlargement obstructs the free flow of urine from the bladder, the following signs and symptoms are experienced by the patient.
In a fewer cases, the condition also leads to block the bladder. So, the urination becomes extremely hard or even impossible. The condition finally leads to urinary retention or backed-up urine. The retained urine leads to damage the kidney, stones and bladder infections.
Diagnosis of the benign prostate enlargement starts with the detailed discussion of the symptoms and also the general health condition of the patient. Physical examination is done after past health of the history is discussed.
Based on the discussion, the following tests are conducted to diagnose the problem in detail.
Treatments Available
The home treatment recommends the following activities to be carried on regular basis.
Initially, minimally invasive procedures are performed, followed by the relevant medications.