Urinary Tract Infections
Since urology is associated or related with the other parts of the body, like ureters, bladder, urethra and kidney, there is a wide range of urology related clinical problems. So, urology is specialized with seven kinds.
Urology is specialized with seven kinds…

Urinary Tract
Urinary Tract Infection or UTI is a very common in many of the countries with more than 8.1 million doctor visits, every year. Close to 12 percent of men and close to 40 percent of women usually experience the symptoms for at least one UTI problem in their entire lifetime. Young women, who experience the symptoms of one UTI usually have more chances to have another UTI problem. Men are less likely get affected by the problems related to the UTI.
Though it is not very usual in men, however, if started once, there will be more chances to get one more, as the bacteria related to the problems tends to hide within the prostate. Children also do get the problem of UTI, however, it is less common.
Treatments Available
The treatments available are the following.
Self help
The pain that is resulted from the UTI can be encountered by using the painkillers, like paracetamol. However, if the patient suffers from the upper UTI, it is not advised to use NSAIDs (Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs), like ibuprofen. Otherwise, the risks and complications associated with the kidneys will be increased.
Drink more and more fluids to relieve from the fever symptoms and prevent dehydration.
Treatment in the Hospital
It is important to visit the hospital and take the medication in the hospital in the following cases, when the patient is,
Treatment with upper UTI
Along with the injection of the fluids and antibiotics, regular tests for urine and blood are done, to check the progress of the treatment.
The treatment may continue from three days to seven days and the patient can be discharged from the hospital.